Alert: has partnered with to provide businesses nationwide with a single source for all of their music on-hold, auto attendant, voicemail and professional prompt recordings. Voice Prompts for VoIP Systems
There's no denying the presence of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Phone Systems. Technology has improved, quality has improved, and features have improved - making VOIP systems such as 8x8, Weave, Grasshopper, Fonality, Jive, Ooma, and many more both cost efficient and likely a strong candidate for your business phone application. But your VOIP system will only sound as good as the prompts, auto attendant messages, on-hold recordings and voicemail recordings that are loaded up to the system.
You've come to the right place! Our talented team of creative writers, studio engineers, voice artists and marketing consultants will help your brand sound great - no matter what kind of VoIP system your business is utilizing. |
Enhance your company's on-hold experience with music on hold with custom messaging. It's quick, easy and affordable. Contact us for a free on-hold quote and consultation. 1-866-359-4653 |